Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Weekend Sail

I went sailing this weekend with my parents. I've been trying to take advantage of my free time and spend it with them. They aren't retired yet, but they soon will be. They aren't elderly either, but time flies and I want to spend as much time with them as I can.

My folks have an LCD television with built-in DVD player on their boat, so I was able to watch Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room.

It is revolting what the executives and Arthur Andersen did to the Enron employees. To sum it up, one employee had worked at Enron and was ready to retire with just over $300,000 in his retirement fund. A few months before the employee was going to retire, the company folded. He was left with a $1200 check.


In a better light, I used the sailing trip to start reading a book that has been on my shelf for quite some time; Winning, by Jack Welch (you know, the guy that breathed new life into GE). So far it is pretty good.